Ready for School

Please help prepare your child to be “school ready”! We need your support! Look below and you will see some suggestions:

Read to your child EVERY day- for at least 20 minutes – make it fun and interesting!

Visit our local library- they have numerous events for you! Bristol Public Library

Ask your child open ended questions beginning with words such as “who, what, where, when… you want them to reply with more than “yes” or “no “answers!

Have your child read environmental print: road signs, store names, cereal boxes…

Have them pretend to play school; let them take the role as both teacher and student!

Encourage play dates- so they can learn to get along with other children and learn to wait and share!

Attend your Elementary School’s Parent Night- for new parents of Kindergarten Children!

You will be receiving a transition folder from the Bristol Public Schools which has information to assist you in the transition to kindergarten. Please use the information in the folder to help you navigate the process of transitioning to kindergarten. Take the time to start working on specific skills your child will need to help make their kindergarten year successful.

Additional Parent Resources:

Children's Comprehensive Health Guide- Newborn to Preteen

13 tips for starting preschool 

NAEYC RESOURCES (National Association for Education of Young Children)

How we talk to our children helps them grow HARVARD Child Development - Center on the Developing Child

Local Resources: Bristol

Bristol Hospital Events

Bristol -Burlington Health District

City of Bristol  

NAEYC National Association for the Education of Young Children 

United Way of West Central CT

William Caspar Graustein Memorial Foundation

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